Within my heart of hearts lies a voice of sorts. I'm not crazy or hearing anything, but there is something in me that urges me on in certain directions. I've been hearing it a lot more lately, maybe because I'm trying to pay more attention to it, and sometimes it can get pretty loud. Today I watched one of those True Hollywood Stories about Oprah. I'm not a regular viewer of her show, but I do admire what she has chosen to do with her life. The show talked about Oprah's philanthropic work, the way that she gives back to so many people, as well as her global influence. While watching the show, this still, small voice inside me was saying things like, "I want to do this" and, "I'm going to stand for that".
I've been thinking a lot about service lately and how I think that whatever I do needs to give me the chance to give back. I spoke with a very knowledgeable co-worker of mine while at my internship and he asked me a series of questions about, of all things, cars. I'm definitely not a car buff (I'm content with a car as long as it provides me with transportation and music), but the questions he asked were revealing. He asked me what type of car I currently drive, what my dream car is, and what I am doing now to make a difference in the world. From my answers, he was able to tell me that I would be the most happy doing something that I found rewarding where I could give back to the world in some way. Dead on! I didn't realize it before speaking to him, but this most likely explains the reason why I didn't feel fulfilled at my internship. Though I loved the people and the work was fun, I didn't see any greater purpose in it.
Over and over I think and pray about what it is that I want to and should do with my life. In church today the pastor answered the question, "What is the purpose of my life?". Heavy, right? But he was able to simplify it into four pieces:
4.) Work
3.) Recreation
2.) Relationships
1.) Relationship with/Loving God
Everyone may not agree with these four pieces, but it makes sense to me. I remember feeling lost before starting a relationship with God and I have seen, since getting to know Him and working on my relationship with Him, that all of the rest of the pieces fit in more easily when piece #1 is in place. Anyway, I am telling you all this because I am going to try to focus on piece #1 more in an effort to work on the rest of the four pieces. I will continue to listen to that still, small voice and pray about what I hear from it. I'll update you along the way!
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