Wednesday, October 8, 2008

New Ventures

Day 7:

Day 7 marked the beginning of the last week of my internship. The internship was originally supposed to run from early June to early August, but my boss was kind enough to ask me to stay on longer and I gladly obliged. Though I love the people that I work with and enjoy what I get to do each day, I feel like it's time to move on (which worked out well for timing because they asked me to stay on until early October and I will be leaving on the What Now Wanderers road trip in just two weeks!)

I decided to say "Yes" to originally taking this internship. I was a little nervous at first (as would be expected in a new situation), but I decided to go ahead and take this position. I am so glad that I did. It was the perfect first post-college job because, as an intern, I felt like I was there to learn, but had many of the responsibilities of a full-time employee. I'm excited to see where God leads me as I move on from my internship.

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