Today I decided to issue myself a challenge. Some might think it small, but it was one that was both necessary and slightly unnerving. I challenged myself to be myself. I know I'm going to sound like a second grader, but sometimes when it comes to being on my own I can get a little intimidated and, as a result, can become quiet and withdrawn. I usually do a good job of getting over my fears or whatever it is that gets me hung up and scarred, but I have noticed that lately I have been afraid to be myself at work more and more. It's silly and I'm sure that no one has really noticed, but I feel the difference in myself and so I decided to do something on Friday to help myself get over whatever it is that is keeping me from being myself. I decided to sit with my co-workers at lunch (as I normally do) and to speak when I felt the urge to speak rather than throwing my comments, questions, and input to the wind and remaining quiet. I felt quite pleased with the results and am looking forward to challenging myself again on Monday!
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