Today was pretty "ordinary". I got up, went to work, worked for a while, went home, watched TV, and got ready for bed. I say "ordinary" in quotations and not ordinary because I believe that "ordinary" is relative term. The best part of my day today was having a friend visit me at work for lunch. There were also some funny things mingled into the "ordinary-ness" of the day, but I will leave them out and spare you the details.
So, though my day was "ordinary", I say so only relatively because for some people "ordinary" means investigating crimes all day. For others, "ordinary" means getting up at sunrise to feed the animals and then working all day on the farm. For me, it changes. For most of my life "ordinary" meant going to school day after day, year after year. Now, "ordinary" is quite different. In fact, "ordinary" was once foreign to me as I was first starting out at my internship.
The problem with "ordinary" for me is that I usually associate it with words like "blah" and "eh". The upside of "ordinary" is that it can be comfortable and non-threatening. The paradox of the two is that you can't have one without the other. In order for something to be "ordinary" it has to not be foreign and for something to be foreign it can't be "ordinary".
Why am I telling you all this? Because tomorrow I am doing something foreign to my "ordinary" schedule. I am taking a day off of work and going to a live taping of a television show. I have been looking forward to tomorrow all week and counting down the moments until I would be able to leave. How sad! Living life only for the future, the way that I have for tomorrow, is just not right in my eyes. Each day is a gift, so why not live it in an extraordinary way?
I am on this journey to find my life's passion and I believe that part of this journey has been and will be trying things and learning that they are not for me. I don't want to feel "ordinary" ever. I always want to feel extraordinary and like I am chasing after my life's passion full force.
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